I love to catalog things. I’m a scrapbooker, a flower presser, and I need to log every movie I watch on Letterboxd or I’ll cease breathing. My desire to collect could be pathological, but I often wish I could capture all the games I play in the same way. Some games I want to remember forever, long after their consoles become obsolete. Other games I need to hold in my hands like baby birds, so I can take a hard two-out-of-five stars look at them and ask, “Why? Why?”
These 10 scary games based on scary movies would be a good place to start. Like a chainsaw-wielding villain, still lumbering slowly despite several bullet wounds to the face, these games are all missing a little something. Stick with me to remember 10 games based on horror movies, then help me figure out why they couldn’t burn as brightly as the originals.